Contact Me

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6 Responses to Contact Me

  1. Annie Smith says:

    Hi Marcia,
    Thank you so much for sharing your blog with me. I am now the Director of The Centre School in Milton. It is managed by Bright Horizons however, it is it’s own entity. Rare for BH. No corporate branding. The teachers here know Reggio, embrace nature, and natural materials. I am in my element. Life is good! I miss you and am forever grateful for my time spent with you at JHCCC.
    Annie Smith

  2. Hi Marcia, Always love reading your posts. Your latest was terrific, and I couldn’t help but relate it to a teacher and her / his children. I left a comment, accidently sent it before I was finished, resent it, and tried to delete the first one… I hate computers. If you did not get my comment, let me know and I’ll send it again. Keep posting! Jennie

  3. Eric Magnuson says:


    I came across your website as I was searching for information on Grace Mitchell. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe she was the founder of the Living and Learning Centers before they became Kinder Care. I was employed by Living and Learning Centers years ago, early in my career. I remember picking up a policy binder in the center and reading her “I am, I can” philosophy. I found it interesting that she earned her doctorate degree at age 70. Do you have any more information on her?
    Thank for your blog and supporting ECE.
    Eric Magnuson

    • Marcia Hebert says:

      Happy to meet you, Eric, and thanks for writing! I loved Grace’s “I Am! I Can! philosophy – it is timeless! and I use it often in my training for early childhood teachers and directors. Grace’s books are still available on – they are, as you know, always inspiring and motivational. Grace was a master storyteller and teacher. And when she finished her stories, I was always energized to read, learn, and do more! And, I wasn’t alone in this. She was truly “One of a kind!” What a gift to us who knew and worked so closely with her!

  4. Rana Hasnain says:

    Hi Marcia
    I had a chance of reading your blog, it is so inspiring, informative and full of ideas. Its a guide line for all those who are interested in teaching and learning procedure.
    Best Regards

    • Marcia Hebert says:

      Thank you, Rana.

      At this stage in my life, I’m so pleased to be able to share what I have learned. My first book is being published as I write this – so it is another way of sharing – with our colleagues. Stay tuned …

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