Category Archives: Quality Early Education and Care

Great Summer Reading…

What I bring to this book is a wealth of hands-on, real-life experience, humor, and common sense. I know the life of the education/business director. I have lived it. I know the problems and pitfalls and the solutions and strategies to avoid them. I’ve learned a lot because I have built four unique early childhood programs in my career. I am pleased to share with you.
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Posted in Child Care, Early Childhood, Early Childhood Curriculum, Early Childhood Leadership, Early Childhood Professionals, Early Childhood Teachers, For Early Childhood Directors, Managing Early Childhood Programs, Performance Management Skills, Quality Early Education and Care, Training for Early Childhood Directors, Training for Early Childhood Professionals | Leave a comment

The Delicate Balance Between Work and Life

Most of us today have both a career and a family, which easily doubles the hundreds of details we must manage every day. How can we do it all and balance the demands of our work and of our life? Read on… Continue reading

Posted in Child Care, Early Childhood, Early Childhood Curriculum, Early Childhood Leadership, Early Childhood Professionals, Early Childhood Teachers, For Early Childhood Directors, Managing Early Childhood Programs, Performance Management Skills, Quality Early Education and Care, Training for Early Childhood Directors, Training for Early Childhood Professionals | Leave a comment

Beyond the Book—Strategies for Weathering the Storms of Change

In my work as director of several early childhood programs, one of the important lessons I learned was that the only constant was change! Anticipating it; working through it; and learning and growing because of it were valuable leadership lessons – that I now pass on to you! Continue reading

Posted in Child Care, Early Childhood, Early Childhood Curriculum, Early Childhood Leadership, Early Childhood Professionals, Early Childhood Teachers, For Early Childhood Directors, Managing Early Childhood Programs, Performance Management Skills, Quality Early Education and Care, Training for Early Childhood Directors, Training for Early Childhood Professionals | Leave a comment

Beyond the Book—Observe, Listen, and then, Act

The Japanese people have an expression, ‘read the air’ which, in essence, means to take in one’s surroundings before acting; to gauge what is happening before doing anything else. We, in early childhood classrooms, can also tap into this practice. Read on … Continue reading

Posted in Child Care, Early Childhood, Early Childhood Curriculum, Early Childhood Leadership, Early Childhood Professionals, Early Childhood Teachers, For Early Childhood Directors, Managing Early Childhood Programs, Performance Management Skills, Quality Early Education and Care, Training for Early Childhood Directors, Training for Early Childhood Professionals | Leave a comment


What are some of the factors that contribute to professionalism? And, what can be done to move toward creating a more professional climate in your organization? Read on … Continue reading

Posted in Child Care, Early Childhood, Early Childhood Curriculum, Early Childhood Leadership, Early Childhood Professionals, Early Childhood Teachers, For Early Childhood Directors, Managing Early Childhood Programs, Performance Management Skills, Quality Early Education and Care, Training for Early Childhood Directors, Training for Early Childhood Professionals | Leave a comment


What I’ve learned, as Director of 4 Early Childhood Programs, is that people will rise to the challenge – if it is clearly articulated and the expectations are set up front. Do you set the course for your program every September? If not, here how … Continue reading

Posted in Child Care, Early Childhood, Early Childhood Curriculum, Early Childhood Leadership, Early Childhood Professionals, Early Childhood Teachers, For Early Childhood Directors, Managing Early Childhood Programs, Performance Management Skills, Quality Early Education and Care, Training for Early Childhood Directors, Training for Early Childhood Professionals | Leave a comment

Beyond the Book—Coping with Change

The only constant in an early childhood program is change! How do we successfully navigate the ups and downs? We cultivate several important work habits. The first is to think more proactively and plan for the inevitable. Here are the others …. Continue reading

Posted in Early Childhood, Early Childhood Leadership, Early Childhood Professionals, Early Childhood Teachers, For Early Childhood Directors, Managing Early Childhood Programs, Performance Management Skills, Quality Early Education and Care, Training for Early Childhood Directors, Training for Early Childhood Professionals | Leave a comment

Planting Your Garden…

Consider planting ‘this’ garden in your early childhood program! Continue reading

Posted in Child Care, Early Childhood, Early Childhood Curriculum, Early Childhood Leadership, Early Childhood Professionals, Early Childhood Teachers, For Early Childhood Directors, Managing Early Childhood Programs, Performance Management Skills, Quality Early Education and Care, Training for Early Childhood Directors | Leave a comment

Inspiring Others…

Whether it’s a beautiful sunrise, or a special message, each has the power to move us emotionally. I discovered this power long ago and began collecting quotes that spoke to me. I have journals of them. Continue reading

Posted in Child Care, Early Childhood, Early Childhood Curriculum, Early Childhood Leadership, Early Childhood Professionals, Early Childhood Teachers, For Early Childhood Directors, Managing Early Childhood Programs, Performance Management Skills, Quality Early Education and Care, Training for Early Childhood Directors, Training for Early Childhood Professionals | Leave a comment

A Look Back…

Are you creating magic for the young children in your early childhood program? I hope so! Read on … Continue reading

Posted in Child Care, Early Childhood, Early Childhood Curriculum, Early Childhood Leadership, Early Childhood Professionals, Early Childhood Teachers, For Early Childhood Directors, Managing Early Childhood Programs, Quality Early Education and Care, Training for Early Childhood Directors, Training for Early Childhood Professionals | Leave a comment