Summer is here – in all of its glory!
The sun is strong, the rain is gentle, and the flower and vegetable gardens are thriving.
I don’t know who originally created the following “garden,” but beyond the play on words that brings a smile to the reader, there is wisdom and guidance here for all of us. This is a perfect reflection for this season. Enjoy!
Remember, what we sow, we later reap.
The Garden
5 Rows of “P”s
4 Rows of “Squash”
… gossip
… indifference
… criticism
… negativism
3 Rows of “Let Us”
… be true to ourselves
… be loyal and unselfish
… be faithful to our purpose
3 Rows of “Turn Up”
… your enthusiasm
… your conviction
… your determination
This is the time of the year to reflect – upon the school year just completed, and the new year to begin. This summer, during this planning time, this goal-setting phase for both directors and teachers alike, you might consider planting this “garden” at your early childhood program. It’s a great way to set the tone for the year to come.
I wanted to let you know that reading your blog today was an inspiration. I have felt like I have been stuck in a mudslide for the past few months. As a Director of a small Preschool in Lexington I was constantly balancing the enrollment and staff. I finally felt like I could take a deep breath. Enrollment was up and my staff was in place. The children, parents, teachers, owners and myself were happy with the outlook of our school. As you stated in your article problems never arise at one time. That statement is true……..we had one problem after another. We share space with a beautiful church. The church is on the right side of the building the school is on the left. We collaborate with one another. In March there was a fire in the church sanctuary. The sanctuary was destroyed and had to be rebuilt. All of the church members joined together to rebuild the church. The church was completed and was beautiful. It was nice to see everyone work together. In May there was another disaster, during the Memorial Day weekend the sprinkler system ruptured and caused devastating damage to the school.
Donna – So nice to hear from you! Stay connected!